Services & Policies

Shipping Service
Package shipping services will be available in the FedEx booth. FedEx will be our provider and assist you in shipping oversized or heavy packages from the Market. For your convenience, FedEx will prepare a direct bill to your store through Do it Best.

Drawstring Bags
Instead of shopping carts, we’re offering one oversized, drawstring-style bag per member at the entrances to the exhibit hall. Use these complimentary bags to store your handouts, laptops, bottled beverages, and other necessities.

Merchandise Removal
Any display samples that are purchased must not be removed from the convention center before Sunday at 4:30 pm. In order to remove any sample merchandise or booth prizes, you must present a “Merchandise Removal Pass” (filled out by the vendor you are purchasing from) to the security guard as you exit. These passes can be obtained from the exhibitor after 8 am on Sunday, March 23. Be sure that all items are clearly listed on the pass and that the manufacturer’s representative has signed it. Unless prior arrangements have been made with the exhibitor, the purchaser of the booth assumes responsibility for the goods at the closing of the Market at 4:30 pm on Sunday.

Lost & Found Services
Lost and found services are located at the Market Registration Desk.

Paging Policy
In an effort to keep public address announcements to an absolute minimum, no personal announcements will be made during the Market except in an emergency situation.